Friday, August 23, 2019

Engineering Reflective Statement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Engineering Reflective Statement - Essay Example that, I enjoy reading materials on engineering like the Mechanical Engineering Magazine monthly edition and the Mechanical Society of American Engineers which promotes the art, science & practice of multidisciplinary engineering and allied sciences around the globe. However, the main reason why I chose the article is an article I read on making coal a cleaner burning fuel. The global impact seen as a result of engineering solutions is the destruction of the ozone layer due to the use of various machines. A good example is the CFC used as a coolant because of its excellent heat capacity, but it ends up destroying the ozone layer. A lot of machines that have been invented contribute towards the destruction of the ozone layer through the fumes that they emit while in operation. The economic impact is felt in the manufacture and distribution of the various machines that have been invented. They provide a trading ground for many companies and individuals and at the same time create revenue for firms, individuals and governments (Huber, 23). The environment is also affected by engineering solutions in that there is increased pollution of the air and water sources. This is due to the fumes emitted by various machines and waste deposited by various industries. Automobiles have eased transportation problems but cause pollution and, as a result, global warming. The social impact can be seen in the way communication has been eased through various gadgets and social networks that have come up as a result of engineering solutions. Mechanical engineers need to understand the impact of their engineering solutions in order to come up with better ideas that will ensure the safety of everyone in the future. Their inventions have solved a lot of problems within homes, at work places and around us. However these solutions have come along with other negative impacts that are slowly affecting the natural ways of living and putting the future at risk. In order to understand these

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