Tuesday, August 13, 2019

The fit between published theory on project management and personal Essay

The fit between published theory on project management and personal practice as a result of my participation in the ActiveBeing project 2014-15 - Essay Example According to this institution, the best leisure and sports facilities require making a consideration for â€Å"Accessible sports facilities† (sportengland.org, 2010:n.p.). Thus, the fit between published theory and the project management pilot panning has been accomplished in this regard. This is because; the pilot planning has made all the necessary designing of the ActiveBeing leisure complex to ensure that it accommodates the needs of persons with disability; both the employees and clients wishing to use the gym and other leisure facilities offered in the complex. This is an important consideration, owing to the fact that; according to section 21 of the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 of the UK, it is the duty of the providers of any public services to make the necessary adjustments for accommodating the needs of the disabled persons (legislation.gov.uk, 1995:n.p.). Therefore, the necessary considerations have been made to adjust the leisure complex buildings, so as to allow people with disability to access the complex through elevators. The Equality Act 2010 provides that it is the rights of the people with disability to be facilitated to access desired goods, services or facilities (Government Equalities Office, 2010:6). Thus, the elevators will move the persons with disabilities up and down the floor, so they can access the leisure facilities. This consideration is essential, since it ensures complying with the provisions of the UN conventions on the rights of persons with disabilities, which provides that such the needs of such people should be recognized and planned for, as a way of recognizing their dignity, worth and equal rights to enjoy services, good and facilities (United Nations 2006:n.p.). The fit between the published theory and the project management pilot planning has also been achieved, under the provisions of the management-as-planning theory. According to the provisions of management-as-planning theory, there exists a strong causal

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